3 days ago, we noticed that some of our bunnies' stools are smaller and less in number than usual so on Mon, we brought them both to the vet. She examined them both and could not find anything unusual. She assured us that they both look very well and healthy and there is no need for any further treatment. But Chris, the very observant one, noticed that West's appetite has decreased significantly. While he would usually get very excited and devour the fresh veggies we leave in their enclosure, he showed little interest in the cai xin we presented.
So on Tuesday, Chris brought West down for an x-ray and it was discovered that he had gastro-intestinal stasis. There was blockage in his intestinal tract so he could not pass motion properly, hence the lack of interest in food as he must have felt very uncomfortable with the constipation.
Chris took leave on Wed morning to observe West and continued administering the medication, hoping that it will clear his system. Last night while feeding him that medicine, West passed out a couple of hard and small pellets.
This morning, Chris woke up to find West lying motionless, cold and hard ='( When he told me, i was stunned at the sudden passing and jumped out of my bed... When I touched West's hard body, I just cried and cried...
We just came back from Mt Pleasant after settling the schedule for cremation. During breakfast at Serene Centre MacDonald's, Chris couldn't finish his meal and i was sobbing between mouthfuls ='(
Our only consolation is that he had a good life while he was with us and he is no longer suffering. But our concern is also for Claire as they're bonded mates so we hope Claire will not be too affected. I have read about bunnies dying of a broken heart ='(
West, daddy and mummy will remember you forever although there will be no more
wake-up calls, no more pitter-patter of your paws on our bed-side. You have brought us much joy and we will meet again in heaven as you wait with Brownie and Hiro kor kor. We love you...
West and daddy |
West loved to lounge around |
West and Claire |
A very young West |
with Cheh Cheh Eunice |
Very young West with mummy |
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