As usual, our annual staff dinners are AWESOME!!! The organising committee rocks, the people who turn up rock... My office (especially my dept haha) RAWKS loads la...
The theme was Magical Masquerade so everyone has to wear some sort of mask...
Some of my favourite get-ups
The receptionists |
SCREAM!!! This was one of the options considered by my dept but the girls veto-ed it LOL we were scared at night go toilet see the mask AAAHHH!!!! (^O^)||| haha |
My dept boys... so cute!
Ah yo, must give v specific instructions for them to pose properly one neh! Me: Converge your swords!! Them: ??? *swords still pointing donno where* Y: Intersection point!! Then they finally got it... haha
Besides SCREAM and zorro, the other two considerations were The Incredibles and "We Go As One Another" i.e. print everyone's faces as masks and I go as you, you go as me LOL. |
The act-cool pose... Tailor-made capes (check out the embroidered Z logo) and custom-made masks by SW, hats bought by HM and professionally-crafted swords by ahem... me... haha... jon is serious... he brought gloves even haha... is YC the only one who guai guai wear army boots??? i realised we forgot to tuck their pants into their boots/socks!! |
Awww... so sweet... |
My dept chiobus! WOO HOO!! Spot me?? The most chio one last night was the one in red haha (don't tell her I said this on my blog wait she scold me haha) |
These guys like a bit not enough time to dress up for dinner hor? SKII mask (with cucmber some more... not from the cold dish i hope =PP) |
My bento buddy and her neighbour (where are his eyes??? LOL) |
Phantom and his Christine... erm.. actually there were a few Christines after this phantom LOL |
My padawan and me =) |
These two are thieves I think... good-looking ones LOL |
My personal favourite... the guys who have no money to buy masks they had to rob... LOL takes guts to wear something like K! Hope the stockings are new... eeeeww... actually to save money they could have bought those separate ones each one wear one side LOL |
The door gifts lovingly wrapped (one-by-one) by the organising comm =) |
Wa lao... I didn't win anything... but my dept won 3 out of 25 including one second prize hehe... my dept always wins top 5 one... |
Table Game: Bingo |
My dept won BEST-DRESSED (Not say I want to say... I'd like to be humble and lie low but this is our second consec win muahahahah)!!!!
My awesome dept!!! I <3 you guys!! |
Initially we planned to put up a skit if there's a selection for best-dressed one neh... and this was the mock-up LOL
But since they announced the guys as winners liao and it was running late, we skipped the skit =P
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